I thought seeing as I don't really post much in my old blog, that I would start a new one and make an effort to post on it frequently. I really want to document the little things so that I have those memories and can look back at them and remember all the things my kids did.
Things around here have been really busy now that it is summer. There just seems to always be so much to get done and we're always on the go. And the girls seem to get busier and more mischievious every day.
This past weekend we went camping at Sir Winston Churchill Provincial Park up at Lac La Biche. It's really nice up there. Nice campground and a great beach, a combination that seems next to impossible to find around here. My only complaint was that the one outhouse closest to out campsite smelled awful. Worse than normal for an outhouse, and I'm one of those people who would rather squat behind the outhouse than actually use it, so I wasn't too impressed with the situation.
My mom and Charlie and Nicole (Charlie's girlfriend) joined us. Charlie pulled his boat with his new-to-him truck. He ended up having both the truck and the boat out of commission so him and Jamie spent most of Saturday getting them fixed and then we left early Sunday so it was kind of a bust. But we still had a good time.
We have another camping trip planned for the August long weekend at the same place. It's going to be a bit of a family reunion by the sounds of it because we have alot of family members coming. But it should be a good time.
And now, speaking of those memories I want to document and remember...
This morning the girls and I slept in pretty late because we were tired from the weekend. When I got up, as I walked past Addy and Lexi's bedroom I hear Addy say "Lexi Lou, get back in bed!" So I knew something was up right away because Lexi's bed is a crib and she shouldn't be able to get out of it.
I let the dogs out and go back to their room. I slowly open the door and hit who I thought was Addy on the bum with it. So I stick my head in and see Addy in the crib. Now I am really confused because not only should Lexi not be able to get out of the crib, Addy should not be able to get into it.
Lexi moves out of the way and I open the door.
I notice 2 things at once. First, one of the crib slats is missing from one end of the crib. Second, Addy is holding onto this slat. So it makes sense. That particular slat was always a little wobbly in its spot, so I assume that Lexi must have pulled on it until it came out. I assume this because it is in the crib, and even a 2-year-old would probably find it tricky to climb in the opening while holding this long peice of wood, so it would have had to have been Lexi yanking on it and pulling it into the crib when it came loose.
So, my afternoon consisted of me trying to assemble the Disney princess toddler bed I bought Lexi back around February. It was a major pain in the ass. It would have been difficult under normal circumstances, but because we slept in, I was doing this right after lunch...Also known as Nap Time in our house. So I had 2 very whiney, crabby kids hanging off of me and the bed pieces while I was trying to build this stupid bed, obviously designed by someone who takes great joy in making other people miserable.
I finally get the bed together and am excited about the prospect of getting the girls down for a nap (and if I'm being honest, I was also comtemplating downing the half a bottle of tequila in my pantry due to my super high stress level ). I go and make the girls their bottles and tell them to get into bed, only to discover that Addy thinks that the new pink princess bed should belong to her. Which, theoretically would be okay, but Lexi is not willing to give it up.
I figured there wouldn't be much harm in letting them sleep together, but after a few minutes of fighting, it becomes clear to me that I need to move one of them. I went in and moved Lexi onto Addy's bed, but then Addy informs me that she "Pooped in ma pulled-up!" She doesn't usually nap anyways, so I figured I would just take her out and let Lexi have a little sleep (it was already after 3:00pm by this point).
After about a half an hour I decide to check in on her and see if she is actually sleeping or just into something. I peek in the door and this is what I see...

She climbed out of Addy's bed and went and got into her new bed and fell asleep. She's just so friggin' cute I want to squeeze her!
And, as we speak, Addy is in the pantry feeding the dogs crackers, so I guess that's my cue...